Oct. 23-27
World Geography:
Riley is learning about Arab Conquerors, Viking Explorers, Iceland's Landscape, and Sinbad's Travels this week. He gave a topic oral narration about Mohammed after reading about him in his Book of Discovery. He also used the maps provided in his WG full color Student Notebook to locate places Erik the Red and Leif the Lucky explored, raided, and pillaged. He wrote a written narration about Iceland, and I found that so interesting! Who knew such a cold place could have so many hot springs! I really liked Riley's written narration - his personal style is really developing!

We are doing school 5 days a week, so Riley is often finishing one unit and beginning another. He also enjoyed completed his Medieval Map of the World via his Mapping the World With Art book and DVD-rom, as well as some other mapping assignments. One of the things I enjoy most is the Practical Happiness devotion we are discussing together. Bob Schultz is always a favorite author of ours, and his book is full of timely advice not only for my 14 yo son, but also for this nearly 46 yo mama!

For Algebra I, Riley is using Foerster's Algebra. The helps on the flash drive by David Chandler are super helpful, and he is doing well with this course - much better than I thought! I especially appreciate the line by line Solutions Manual and the paired down list of assignments composed by David Chandler. I can see why this often considered an honors level course!
In USII High School, Wyatt has been reading some outstanding literature of his own! A Room of My Own is about the Depression, and it is a gripping story that shows the unexpected changes that took place in just a short amount of time as people despaired of jobs, homes, and even basic needs like having enough food. He's also studying I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, which is an outstanding study about defending our Christian faith based on scientific evidence and the Scriptures. For British Literature, he's been reading Jane Eyre, as well as watching a short matching segment each day on DVD. I love that after all these many years of homeschooling, he still loves to read! What's even more amazing is he loves reading classic literature! What a blessing!

Written narrations and oral narrations are Charlotte Mason inspired assessments, and they are an excellent way to improve retention, to encourage personal creativity, and to produce higher level thinking that can often be recalled with clarity years later.

Emmett and I are enjoying our Bible Study called The Radical Book for Kids. It is an excellent accompaniament to our Ancients study this year! We like to cuddle up on the couch and read and discuss it. Emmett often gets out the electric throw blanket and sets out a coffee for me - how great is that! He has also been enjoying seeing the Prophecies About Christ he reads about in the OT come true in the NT!

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