Week-in-Review Dec. 11-15
This week in USII Wyatt studied the Bataan Death March, Japanese-American Internment, and the Battle of Midway. We had some good discussions with his critical thinking questions. He gave a high-lighted key word written narration. I always have him read his written narrations aloud to me with pencil in hand, so he can edit as he reads. Often times he'll catch any mistakes on his own this way, and I don't have to edit anything! He'll also make editing changes that make his point clearer. He truly loves history, so listening to his oral and written narrations is fascinating for me. I also snapped pictures of his Economics principles he is learning, as well as his Personal Finance 'double discounts' work, which showed a double discount is often times not as good of a discount as a straight initial percentage applied.
A big event of this past week was Wyatt turning 18 yo! We could not be more proud of Wyatt - he is a wonderful son! I get very sad thinking my time teaching him with HOD will soon be over. These years have been busy but precious. I just cannot imagine not being his teacher anymore - he has been such a good student, and I've enjoyed our discussions and work together so much through the years. However, I know he's ready for the next stage in life. HOD has prepared him well. Most importantly, he has a heart full of love for the Lord! He also still loves to learn. Here is a picture of Wyatt's b-day party, where he is with all of his best friends - his brothers and his cousins. What a blessing!

Emmett finished his painting for Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken, as well as finishing his painting for Once by the Pacific. For Science, he worked on answering his 5 questions carefully. He is getting better and better at answering each question completely, using his book as a reference for accuracy and for spelling. What a wonderful week this has been! As we look forward to our last week before Christmas, we try not to be too stressed in this busy season! Instead, we hope to focus on Jesus Christ being born and the joy that brings! May our week be full of love, joy, and thoughts of our precious Savior this week, rather than the hustle and bustle of the season that can weigh us down! I'll need to read this reminder often this week! God bless!
In Christ,
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