Heart of Dakota Week-in-Review:
January 1-5

In Creation to Christ, Emmett completed his Travel Log for Egypt. He enjoys this read aloud we do together, and his travel logs are quite organized now - in 3 topics - hooray! He also LOVED his science experiment, which had him experimenting with different kinds of 'beaks'. In math, he has been learning to measure angles with a protractor. I had to snap a few pictures of Emmett's
Christmas gift - meet Cuddles the hamster!
In World Geography, Riley read about the Spice Route. He had a blast making a game board for the Spice Islands Game. He also really enjoyed his Art of Argument lessons this week. He did well on his quiz/test for it too - hooray!
In USII, Wyatt has been reading about the Battle of Normandy - D-Day, and he has been fascinated with it. He high-lighted the main points and subpoints in his book to prepare for his narration. He also completed a written narration in his USII Notebook. I enjoyed hearing him share what he learned in this format!

Some other highlights - hunting coyotes for our neighbor who asked us to since his farm is over-run with them. Spending New Year's Eve at my niece's wedding in Houston with my whole family!!! My mom with 7 grandsons!!!
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