My Blog Adventure!

Welcome to my blog! It's high time this 48-year-old ventures into blog world and joins the ranks of you intriguing bloggers. First off, you should know I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart. I love His Creation, His Word, His forgiveness, His mercy, and His being the Savior of my life. He is my reason for living! After the Lord, my next love in life is my outdoor-lovin', prankster pullin', hard workin' man I've called my husband for 24 years and counting. My 3 sons - to whom this blog is dedicated - have the next piece of my heart, and they fill my world with laughter, love, and laundry. I am calling this MY BLOG ADVENTURE... so hop into blog world with me... let's get to encouraging one another... this could be fun!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Our Christmas Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

Another year is coming to a close, and it has been a year to recognize the joy the love of
family brings.  Though Rich’s work at Graybar and my work at Heart of Dakota and homeschooling remain important parts of our lives, we find it is our children, our parents, and our extended family that are constantly on our minds, and in our hearts and prayers.

Wyatt turned 14 years old and is officially taller than Rich.  Sometimes I look out the kitchen window and see Wyatt walking and think he IS Rich - they look so much alike!  Wyatt is a freshman in high school and our right hand man at home.  He continues to love the outdoors, taking excellent care of our 7 cats (I know, that’s a LOT) and 2 dogs.  He likes to hunt and fish with Rich, and shooting 2 deer and catching lots of walleye were the highlights of the year for him.  Anything physical is a hit with Wyatt – sledding, riding 3-wheeler, and working alongside Rich; playing football, basketball, baseball, and bowling with his cousins and Uncle Mike are all favorite things to do.  School comes easily for Wyatt, and when he’s not on the move, his head is always buried in a book – preferably a G.A. Henty or J.R.R. Tolkien book.  Wyatt spoils us with his cooking talents – thanks to Wyatt we are well stocked on homemade ice cream, popcorn, smoothies, and donuts.  Wyatt is a wonderful big brother and a sound leader in our family.  We all depend on him for something, which works out well because he is incredibly dependable.  Wyatt has an easy smile, an ear for listening, and a heart made for serving – we thank God for blessing us with Wyatt!

Riley turned 10 years old and remains the official fix-it guy of the house.  If it’s broken and has tiny miniscule little parts that must be put back together just so, Riley’s the one we call.  Riley is always on the move, and loves to be coached in all things sports-minded by his big brother Wyatt.  Riley throws caution to the wind, and it often takes a toll on his body.  Bumps, bruises, and scrapes are a common sight on Riley, but for all that rough and tumble side to him – he also has a big heart.  From bringing me coffee in the morning, to making me a fruit smoothie, to giving me a hug when I need it – Riley brings sunshine to the day.  Rooming with little brother Emmett has also given Riley a different role as ‘big’ brother, and it is certainly stretching him in new ways… mainly in patience.  All things creative come naturally to Riley – from singing to drawing to building to creating – somehow, in the midst of a mess (and I do mean a mess) it all just comes together and turns out right for Riley.  Riley has a quick smile, sparkly blue eyes, and a compassionate heart – we thank God for blessing us with Riley!   

Emmett turned 6 years old and brings needed comic relief to the family.  We never have to wonder what Emmett is thinking because he is quick to tell us.  What we DO have to wonder is WHY he is thinking it?!?  Emmett is quotable, for sure.  Everything he says includes a larger than life vocabulary and is witty, offbeat, or just plain surprising, and yet we find ourselves nodding our heads and laughing right along with him.  Emmett enters a room with swagger, often with a cowboy hat, a clown hat, a ninja mask, or a cape of some sort – and never quietly.  He loves to lead the conversation at the dinner table, but in no particular direction.  If things are quiet, it’s never a good sign.  Making a science ‘experiment’ up, mixing things together that should not go together, and painting or gluing things not meant to be painted or glued, are a staple of the quiet moments of Emmett’s day.  However, amidst all the chaos, he reads like a champ, writes neater than any 6 year old should, and thinks those he loves walk on water.  Emmett has a hearty laugh, a toothless smile that lights up a room, and arms just made to give the best hugs - we thank God for blessing us with Emmett!

Along with the blessing of children this year, a few highlights were Rich earning a trip to Hawaii through his work at Graybar (which I was blessed enough to go on as well) and a beautiful addition, attached garage, and wrap-around porch we were able to add to our house.  Another blessing was the health of our parents and the gift of extra time with my beloved dad, who is now in at-home hospice care in Rock Rapids, with my mom by his side.

This year has taught me more than ever to hold tight to the ones I love and depend on the Lord for the rest.  The truth is, there is never enough time with the ones I love.  Given the choice, my dad would live forever… but then again, he will, because I know where he is going, and heaven is a better place than here.  Letting go is never easy.  I may never truly be ready, but the beautiful thing is, I don’t really have to be, because my Savior built us a mansion in heaven, and I’m going there someday too.  This Christmas season, hold tight to the ones you love.  Thank the Lord for the blessings He has bestowed.  But, above all, know where you are going – it is the best gift you can give not only yourself but also the ones you love because amidst darkness, Jesus still brings hope and light.  God bless you and your family, and Merry Christmas!

Love in Christ,

Rich, Julie, Wyatt, Riley, and Emmett Grosz

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